The Root Cause of Puppy Love

Social Phenomenon

In every street, lane, park, campus, and in various places of entertainment, we can find a scene—pairs of men and women are chasing, jesting, hugging, and kissing. You may think nothing of it. But take a closer look at them, and you will find among them many are students. Some are senior high school students, some junior high school students, and some even pupils. They boldly bill and coo in public places despite how others around feel and regard them. This, I believe, is obvious to everyone, and this social phenomenon is called puppy love.

Though students all believe that puppy love is just so-called blue astringent love, yet because of it, students who used to be excellent in character and learning go into a sharp decline in their academic performance, who used to be obedient become more and more rebellious, and who used to be simple and lively become complicated and changeable…. Under the influence of this evil trend, many horrible tragedies happened. I read some pieces of news on the internet and they are as follows:

On July 2, 2002, in Yanshan, Beijing, a 15 or 16-year-old teenager named Jin went to war with his classmate Li over a girl and stabbed him four times. When seeing Li lying motionless in a pool of his own blood, Jin immediately committed suicide by jumping off a building.

On May 21, 2003, in Zhengzhou, Henan province, a 17-year-old student named Pu inveigled Li, a girl whom he had a crush on, into a house near their school because she fell in love with a boy, and he tried to have sex with her. Having been refused, he strangled her. After that, he unsuccessfully attempted suicide, then escaped, and finally surrendered himself to the police.

On August 11, 2015, a shooting happened near a middle school in Shaanxi. The cause is that a 13-year-old gunman Xue had been in love with a girl named Li from that school, and later on, Li ended it and fell in love with another boy at the school. Out of anger, Xue took his gun and went to the school to cause trouble for her boyfriend when he ran against Li not far from the school gate. After a little quarrel, Xue shot Li in the neck, causing her to be shot through the throat and trachea.

In Haozhou city, Anhui province, a 13-year-old girl, due to some quarrel with her boyfriend, became world-weary and swallowed sleeping pills on the evening of January 15, 2016. The next morning, her mother found out and rushed her to a local hospital, which said that she had been on the danger list. Then she was transferred to the Children’s Hospital of Anhui Province.

From the above news, we can discover that puppy love has long since been a common social phenomenon, and this problem is getting ever more serious. Besides, the trend is spreading among younger and younger students. This evil trend brings unwanted harm to these teenagers in the bloom of their youth, and also causes many tragedies that shouldn’t have taken place in this age group. Just like the protagonists in the above instances, they were just students below the age of eighteen, but on account of the puppy love, they violated the law, carried out crimes, and even committed murders …

People can’t help asking: These students are “flowers” in this new age, and they should have grown simply, lively, and happily in their age group. But why do they all indulge themselves in puppy love? God’s words say, “These trends arise one after another, and they all carry an evil influence that continually debases mankind, causing people to lose conscience, humanity and reason, weakening their morals and their quality of character ever more, to the extent that we can even say that the majority of people now have no integrity, no humanity, and neither do they have any conscience, much less any reason. So what are these trends? They are trends that you cannot see with the naked eye. When a new trend sweeps through the world, perhaps only a small number of people are on the cutting edge, acting as the trendsetters. They start off doing some new thing, then accepting some kind of idea or some kind of perspective. The majority of people, however, will be continually infected, assimilated, and attracted by this kind of trend in a state of unawareness, until they all unknowingly and involuntarily accept it and become submerged in it and controlled by it. One after another, such trends cause people, who are not of sound body and mind, do not know what the truth is, and cannot differentiate between positive and negative things, to happily accept them as well as the life views and values that come from Satan. They accept what Satan tells them about how to approach life and the way to live that Satan ‘bestows’ on them, and they have neither the strength nor the ability, much less the awareness, to resist.” God’s words gave us the answer: The reason the trends of society have become so evil and degenerate is because of the corruption of Satan. Satan uses all kinds of ways to instill negative and evil thinking into mankind. First, it utilizes all sorts of TV series, porn movies online, romantic fiction, dance halls and other red light places, and surroundings to ferociously attack the ideas of the students under age; because they can’t distinguish between black and white or beauty and ugliness, their hearts are all attracted by these things. Next, Satan uses lies—the fallacies such as “Without a passionate love at school, there will be regret in your life journey,” “The more frequently you change a boyfriend (or girlfriend), the more it proves that you are capable,” and so on, to deceive and paralyze students’ souls. These widespread negative teaching materials and opinions are all trends. Directed by these evil trends, students start their puppy love, and even scheme, struggle, and fight against each other for the sake of this love, totally devoid of their humanity and reason, and they also abandon their studies. This is the evil consequence Satan brings to mankind with the use of these evil trends, and they are the methods and ways by which Satan afflicts and devours people.

Additionally, this phenomenon of puppy love among students mirrors the status quo of all mankind. Just as God’s words say, “From a human perspective, Sodom was a city that could fully satisfy man’s desire and man’s evil. Alluring and bewitching, with music and dancing night after night, its prosperity drove men to fascination and madness. Its evil corroded people’s hearts and bewitched them into depravity. This was a city where unclean and evil spirits ran amok; it brimmed with sin and murder and the air was thick with a bloody, putrid stench. It was a city that made people’s blood run cold, a city from which one would shrink away in horror. No one in this city—neither man nor woman, young nor old—sought the true way; no one yearned for the light or longed to walk away from sin. They lived under Satan’s control, beneath Satan’s corruption and deceit. They had lost their humanity, they had lost their senses, and they had lost man’s original goal of existence. They committed countless wicked deeds of resistance against God; they refused His guidance and opposed His will. It was their wicked deeds that carried these people, the city and every living thing inside it, step by step, down the path of destruction.” According to God’s words, it can be seen that this society is exactly the modern Sodom, and is filled with evil, murder, and gore. From the puppy love among Chinese students, we can see how evil the whole age is. In today’s society, puppy love prevails among students in middle and primary schools, one-night stand is popular among adults, the middle-aged engage in extramarital affairs, and even twilight romance is widely advocated by the old. People all treat these things as trends and enjoyment. People of this age have lived utterly in Satan’s tricks. If this continues, mankind will just be increasingly degenerate and end up being completely devoured by Satan.

Facing such social conditions, we humans have racked our brains to change them, but to no avail. Then, what should we do? God’s words say, “Because the essence of God is holy, that means that only through God can you walk through life on the righteous path of light; only through God can you know the meaning of life; only through God can you live out real humanity and both possess and know the truth. Only through God can you obtain life from the truth. Only God Himself can help you shun evil and deliver you from the harm and control of Satan. Besides God, no one and nothing can save you from the sea of suffering so that you suffer no longer. This is determined by the essence of God. Only God Himself saves you so selflessly; only God is ultimately responsible for your future, for your destiny and for your life, and He arranges all things for you. This is something that nothing created or non-created can achieve. Because nothing created or non-created possesses an essence like the essence of God, no person or thing has the ability to save you or to lead you. This is the importance of God’s essence to man.” It can be seen from God’s words that mankind needs God’s salvation because only the unique God Himself is the source of all the positive things and only the words expressed by God enable people to learn to discern beauty and ugliness, and good and evil. Only when we humans accept the guidance of God’s words and take the truth as our life can those filthy and negative things within us be cleansed.