Is Your Faith Being Tested?

Return to God

After attending meetings and watching gospel movies for a while, I can completely confirm Almighty God’s work of the last days. I also confirm that Almighty God’s words are the words that come out of the mouth of the second coming of the Lord Jesus. Our faith in the Lord brings us forgiveness of our sins, but our sinful nature still exists within. So in the last days, the last incarnate God has done the work of judgment and purification by expressing the words to dispel our corrupt disposition utterly. When we obtain purification and transformation in our corrupt disposition, we will break away from the dark influence of Satan and live in the light, and thus God’s work of salvation of mankind will end completely. Thereby, accepting and experiencing God’s work of the last days relates to our outcomes and fates. Thinking of God’s love and salvation for me, I was very moved: Though we have been corrupted by Satan and gotten away from God, God still holds concern for each of us and does not have the heart to let us live in all kinds of sufferings. Therefore, God incarnates to save us by expressing the truth. Recalling my lifetime, I labored for my child, struggled for my business, ran around for my family, but did not spent much time for God. Yet God didn’t abandon me for this. When I was sixty years old, God made me greet the return of the Lord and listen to God’s voice. I was so blessed! I wanted to do what I could do to be mindful of God’s will and repay God’s love for me. Thinking that many people have not heard God’s voice or come before God and that God is worrying about these souls, I had the desire to preach the gospel urgently. However, while I was preaching the gospel actively, Satan caused disruptions for me again.

One day, I invited my brothers and sisters to testify God’s work of the last days to my elder brother. When we were fellowshiping that the Lord Jesus has become flesh again and that His name is Almighty God, my brother left hurriedly without saying anything. At that moment, I thought he could recognize God’s voice. Who would have thought that early the next day my brother would come to visit me, and after seeing that I was not at home, tell my wife that I had believed in Almighty God, and say many negative words. What’s more, he asked my wife to watch me and stop me from keeping in touch with my brothers and sisters of The Church of Almighty God. Later, he phoned me and warned me to stop believing in Almighty God.

After my wife knew that I believed in Almighty God, not only did she not seek and investigate the true way, but she threatened to divorce me if I continued following Almighty God. Afterward, she often quarreled with me. I told her that although Almighty God and the Lord Jesus have different names, they actually are one God and that I didn’t betray the Lord Jesus. However, she didn’t listen to me at all, but obstructed me from attending meetings. Faced with this situation, I felt some weakness in my heart. No matter whether my wife was good or not, we had spent several decades together. Especially after my child passed away, my wife and I both felt lonely at home. After work, I hoped that my wife could have a chat with me, but now, we quarreled every day, so that I felt very upset. I wanted to wait for my wife to calm down, and then I would attend meetings with my brothers and sisters. However, as soon as I thought I couldn’t attend gatherings, I felt empty and had an unspeakable feeling of pain. prayThen I came before God and prayed to Him, “Oh, God! Now, I really don’t know what to do. My wife stops me from following You. She doesn’t let me attend meetings with brothers and sisters. Almighty God! You know my spiritual stature is too small. Please give me confidence and strength, so that I can overcome this environment. Thank God! Amen!” After praying, I was much calmer in my heart and thought of a passage of God’s word, “In every step of work that God does within people, externally it appears to be interactions between people, as if born of human arrangements, or from human interference. But behind the scenes, every step of work, and everything that happens, is a wager made by Satan before God, and requires people to stand firm in their testimony to God. Take when Job was tried, for example: Behind the scenes, Satan was making a bet with God, and what happened to Job was the deeds of men, and the interference of men. Behind every step that God does in you is Satan’s wager with God—behind it all is a battle. … When God and Satan do battle in the spiritual realm, how should you satisfy God, and how should you stand firm in your testimony to Him? You should know that everything that happens to you is a great trial and the time when God needs you to bear testimony.” I remembered that the Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life also says: “For example, with some people, as soon as they believe, someone in their family falls ill; with others, when they believe, unbelievers rise up to persecute them and oppress them; with yet others, as soon as they believe, their family suffers a serious problem. ‘What is this? The true God comes, but as soon as I believe something bad happens, bad luck, a disaster? Is this really the true God?’ Some people doubt, and don’t pray. Think about it, you believe in the true God, won’t the devils and Satan hate this? Will they just let it go? They will want to snatch you! They will create this or that sort of situation to create difficulties for you, to make you back off and leave Almighty God. … Because demons and Satan prowl everywhere seeking victims to devour, if you believe in Jesus they don’t respond to you, but if you believe in Almighty God this is critical in the spiritual world. This is an ideological war between the truth and falsehood! So when you face a trial do not doubt God; stand by your testimony. Everything is in the hands of God; all you have to do is stand by your faith.”

I was grateful for God’s quick enlightenment, which allowed me to understand God’s will: Today, from the outside, it is my wife hindering me from believing in God, but actually it is Satan’s temptation befalling me. Satan wants to use my wife’s disturbance to let me give up the true way. And meanwhile, it is God who is testing me, to see if I will reject Him for the sake of a happy family. Since I have confirmed that Almighty God is the appearance of the Lord Jesus and that I’m following God and walking the true path of life, I should maintain loyalty to God and stand witness to Him. Having understood God’s will, I told my wife that I must believe in Almighty God no matter what would happen. After I took a stand in front of my wife, my heart felt very peaceful and at ease. Seeing my attitude was firm, my wife no longer said anything. From then on, though Satan sometimes used my wife to prevent me from believing in Almighty God, I was no longer restrained by her.

The following days, Satan didn’t let me off. Because I attended meetings on the Internet, if I lost the Internet, then I could not attend gatherings with my brothers and sisters. In the past, when I gathered with the sisters, I would occasionally lose the Internet connection. But later, the situation grew more severe. Sometimes, I wouldn’t even be able to connect to the Internet; sometimes when we were communicating, we suddenly couldn’t hear each other. As a result, each time we were having a gathering, I always carried my computer here and there to receive the signal. However, no matter where I carried my computer, the signal wasn’t the same as before. Thus, I was badly affected at meetings. Later on, a sister told me this was a spiritual struggle, too. I thought that not only did the bad signal delay my brothers and sisters’ time, it blocked me from entry into life. So I discussed reinstalling the network with my wife. Yet she refused me in a harsh tone of voice. I really didn’t know what to do and had to pray to God: “Oh, God! I really want to attend gatherings and know You more, but the spiritual battle is intense, so that I can’t attend meetings properly. Oh, God! Please help me.” After the prayer, I thought of a passage of God’s words, “Faith is like a single log bridge, those who cling abjectly to life will have difficulty in crossing it, but those who are ready to sacrifice themselves can pass over without worry.” Right, what God perfected was my faith, to see whether or not I could maintain my faith in God in all kinds of environments. I must rely on God because everything is in God’s hands. Thank God! Two days later, my wife offered to reinstall the network and buy a new computer for me. Listening to her words, I was almost moved to tears. I felt deeply that God loved me very much. All these were God’s deeds and it was God who had opened up this way out for me. He was always by my side and accompanied me in silence. When I encountered Satan’s disturbance and suffered from sickness, God used His words to lead me and let me see through Satan’s trickery; when I was weak and negative, it was God’s words that gave me confidence and strength; when I faced difficulties, God relieved my worries and resolved my difficulties in all matters. Now I can attend meetings properly with my brothers and sisters and listen to the Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life normally, which allows me to experience God’s words, “Any and all things, living or dead, will shift, change, renew, and disappear according to God’s thoughts. This is how God rules over all things.” At the same time, I saw Satan’s evil nature of abusing and swallowing people up. Though Satan was evil and closely pursued and viciously attacked me, when I truly depended on God, Satan retreated in humiliation.

Afterward, through reading God’s word, I understood some truths. I saw that God’s words was very practical and revealed the essence of our corrupt nature. In the past, because I was always dominated by my arrogant nature, when I quarreled with my wife, I was never willing to humble myself, so that sometimes after quarreling, I was unwilling to approach or talk to her for months. Afterward, through reading God’s words, I learned to communicate with her peacefully no matter what happened. When she disagreed with me, I denied my opinion and listened to hers more; when there was a conflict between us, I consciously forsook myself, learned to humble myself and took the initiative to speak with her. Now, our marital relations have become better and better, and we live in harmony. Because of my changes, my wife no longer blocks me from believing in Almighty God as before and she sometimes cares for me on her own initiative when I have gatherings.

Although it was a short time since I accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days, I have truly experienced that only God can save us. Only by relying on God can we break away from Satan’s control and only God’s words can allow us to live out normal humanity. Though I’m old now, this even makes me understand that I should cherish each day. I will fulfill my duty to repay God’s love and salvation for me. Thank God!