I Have a Path to Gain the Trust of My Employer

Christian in the Workplace

By Lele

Every housemaid is especially afraid that she will be rebuked or suspected by her employer, if she accidentally breaks objects or something is lost in her employer’s house. But sometimes these are unavoidable, so what should she do in the face of these situations? I had also been worrying about these situations before, but later, I found the way and therefore gained the trust of my employer.

One time I carelessly broke a cup while doing housework in my employer’s house. I was worried that she would blame me for working carelessly and would have a bad impression of me after knowing this thing, so I didn’t want to tell her about it. Moreover, there were many cups in her house; even though one was broken, she wouldn’t know. When I wanted to act like this, I felt guilty in my heart. However, I didn’t still have the courage to tell the truth. Thereupon I prayed for God to grant me the faith and strength in order to be an honest person. After I told her the truth, I felt liberated. Not only did she not blame me, but she said: “It’s okay. A cup is inexpensive.”

Before long, when I was arranging things in the fridge and hurrying to take the chicken out, I broke the drawer because the freezer had iced up. I felt nervous and worried in my heart. I thought: I’ve made a mistake again, how should I explain this matter to my employer? I am so clumsy and don’t have any common sense. If she knows this matter, will she fire me? But then I thought: She doesn’t normally open the fridge, so she won’t find out, I don’t need to tell her about this matter. With this, I didn’t tell her.

After I got home, I felt guilty in my heart. Thereupon, I sought fellowship with my sister. Through our fellowship, I knew that there were lessons for me to learn behind the environments God arranged every day and that through the practical situations, God wanted me to enter into the truth of being an honest person. The Lord Jesus said: “Truly I say to you, Except you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Mat 18:3). The Lord’s word specifically tells
us that only honest people are those who are in line with God’s will. As long as we become like little children, we can be approved by God and finally enter into God’s Kingdom. Understanding God’s will, I decided to tell the truth to my employer.

However, I got anxious again on my way to work. What if she thought me too stupid and fired me when I told the truth? If I lost this job, where could I go to find a suitable one? I silently prayed to God in my heart: “Oh God! I want to be honest and pure like little children. Wrong is wrong, and I should bravely be liable for my fault. No matter what the result is, I’m willing to go act in accordance with Your teachings. May You grant me the faith and strength. Amen!”

I soon arrived at my employer’s house and quickly told her the truth. Not only did she not blame me, but she taught me how to deal with similar situations in the future. I truly thanked God for His guidance! Not only did I obtain release and freedom in my heart owing to practicing being an honest person, but I learned one aspect of common sense.

One day, my employer told me to go to the supermarket to buy vegetables. She worried that there was insufficient money in the wallet, so she gave me an extra 50 euros. I didn’t use the extra money, so as soon as I was back, I gave it back to her, and she told me to put her wallet on the cupboard. Three days later when I was cleaning upstairs, she came to ask me: “50 Euros are missing from my wallet. Do you know where it is?” She opened her wallet to show me. I was somewhat dumbfounded and didn’t know what to say. Thereupon I answered in a quiet voice: “After I put it on the cupboard that day, I didn’t pay any attention to it. I don’t know.” At that time, no words could describe my feelings. My face burned and I thought: “The money is missing. She certainly suspects that I took the money because there is nobody else here. But I didn’t do that. There’s nothing I can do to clear my name.” I was very upset in my heart, but finally, home time came.

While I was on my way home, I was pondering this matter and silently praying to God in my heart: “O God! I know that the things I encounter every day are permitted by You. Today You allow this environment to befall me, and there must be a lesson for me to learn. I can’t avoid this situation but should bravely face it.” Then I thought to myself: The Bible says: “But let your communication be, Yes, yes; No, no: for whatever is more than these comes of evil” (Mat 5:37). I have said everything I need to. Even though she suspects I took the money and wants to fire me, I must obey God’s orchestrations and arrangements and calmly face this matter. As long as I do my job well and practice being an honest person according to God’s requirements, I don’t need to live in suspicion and suffering.

Later, my employer didn’t treat me any differently or fire me as a result of this. In the following days, when getting along with her and encountering similar situations, I always prayed to God and practiced being an honest person in accordance with the Lord’s teachings.

Once, my employer was going back to Taiwan. Before leaving, she put the keys to the house under my care and told me to go and clean her house every few days. She said that she would pay my wages when she got back. I never thought that she would have such trust in me.

Thank God! It was the Lord’s teachings that made me understand the meaning of being an honest person and gave me the principles of my conduct. Acting according to the Lord’s word, I feel peace and comfort in my heart, gain the trust of others and satisfy God. All the glory be to God!