

The Overcoming Church consists of a group of Christians who sincerely believe in God and love the truth. Jesus Christ said, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth” (Jhn 17:17). The Church shepherds God’s chosen people strictly based on the words that God has uttered. It aims to help all the believers who pursue the truth to gain the supply of God’s words, to grow in spiritual life, to have real understanding of God, to obey God, fear Him and love Him, so that they are able to be faithful to God alone, not to lose faith in God, and to bear victorious testimonies to God, despite adverse situation.


The Church provides free spiritual sources online in variety including the words of God, sermons, testimonies of life experiences, etc., to help all those in every corner of the globe who love the truth to be able to enjoy God’s life supply so that they can understand God’s will, shun the evil trends in the world and overcome Satan’s temptation.


As Jesus Christ said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mak 16:15), the Church aims to proclaim and witness God’s gospel to help more people living in the dark and evil world hear God’s voice, gain His salvation and enter into God’s kingdom.